Program Proposal Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in proposing a public program for the GLBT Historical Society Museum. Please review the following requirements and refer to the checklist before filling out the Public Program Proposal Form.
Please submit your public program proposal in advance of the proposed date of the event, according to our deadlines below. If approved, Senior Manager of Museum Experience Leigh Pfeffer will contact you to discuss further details.
April 1 - for programs taking place during July through September
July 1 - for programs taking place during October through December
October 1 - for programs taking place during January through March
January 1 - for programs taking place during April through June
All program details must be finalized no later than six (6) weeks in advance of the event.
Program Guidelines
Programs are generally scheduled for two hours. They must be held after regular museum hours, preferably on Thursdays between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., but there is room for flexibility.
Panel discussions must be limited to no more than four panelists.
Please be advised that community-proposed programs are not moderated by GLBT Historical Society staff. Event organizers and presenters are responsible for monitoring panel time, Q&A sections, and run-of-show for programs.
If selling books, the presenter is responsible for coordinating delivery and sale. The museum can provide a table and tablecloth to enable sales. We request that one to three copies of the book be donated to the museum store for future sales in exchange for providing the venue, and that any future copies may be ordered at a discount from the author/publisher.
Program participants agree to refrain from moving or modifying museum displays and to monitor the public at their events to protect museum displays from damage.
Museum Venue Information
Setup takes place after the museum closes at 5:00 p.m. This is the earliest organizers and participants may arrive.
Maximum seated capacity is 40 people and maximum standing capacity is 75 people.
The museum can provide 45 chairs, one six-foot table, two four-foot tables, tablecloths, up to four wireless microphones, portable speakers and a podium.
The museum accommodates digital slides, PowerPoint, video presentations and audiovisual needs. These must be PC compatible, noted in the event proposal form and prearranged with GLBTHS Staff.
Admission cost of $5-$10 will be requested for all public programs, but no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
Organizers and panelists are entitled to complimentary tickets (one per panelist/speaker) for the program. Please submit a guest list one week in advance of the program.
Virtual Platform Information
Virtual events for the GLBT Historical Society are generally hosted and produced on StreamYard and livestreamed to our YouTube channel and then posted to our Past Events page.
We can accommodates digital slides, PowerPoint, video presentations and audiovisual needs. These must be noted in the event proposal form and prearranged with the manager of museum experience.
Admission cost of $5-$10 will be requested for all public programs, but no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
The GLBT Historical Society publicizes all public programs on its website and Facebook page, and customarily distributes a newsletter and media release listing all programs.
The GLBT Historical Society will create and publish an official Facebook event for the program and make the organizers co-hosts. Please do not create any duplicate or independent Facebook events, as this creates confusion for potential guests.
Any third-party promotion or filming requires advance authorization from the GLBT Historical Society. Program organizers are strongly encouraged to suggest and coordinate community co-sponsors, invite contacts via the Facebook event and boost the program on their social media.
We do not print postcards or do postal mailings for programs. If you wish to have additional promotional materials, you will be responsible for the logistics and cost, and the GLBT Historical Society must approve them in advance.
Please download and refer to the below checklist as you fill out the Public Program Proposal form to ensure all guidelines are met.