Primary Source Set: technology
LGBTQ people have consistently been early adopters of technology as a way to build and connect with community, find partners, share information and resources, and organize as activists. While technology was, and continues to be, utilized to foster queer visibility and community formation, it also introduced issues around privacy, censorship, and equality that replicated many of the prejudices the LGBTQ community had been fighting against in the analog world for years. This primary source set contains videos and articles about the use of technology in the LGBTQ community and covers topics such as, community switchboards, computer bulletin board systems, tech activism groups, and queer data privacy and equality.
High Tech Gays contingent marching at the 1989 San Francisco Lesbian and Gay Freedom Day Parade. From the Charles Cyberski Videotape collection (1994-03).
Selected Source Set
Additional Resources
Susan’s Place webpage from 2005, courtesy of the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine.
High Tech Gays records (2014-07).
Digital Queers records (2014-03).
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