Primary Source Set: the Gay Games


The Gay Games is a competition for LGBTQ+ athletes from all over the world. It was founded in 1982 by a group that included Olympic decathlete Dr. Tom Waddell, as well as Rikki Streicher, owner of the iconic lesbian bar Amelia’s. Patterned after the Olympics and held every four years in a different city, the Gay Games came to encompass many different events, including track and field, wrestling, and bodybuilding. As AIDS cast a growing shadow over queer people’s lives (and led to Waddell’s 1987 death), the Games’ mission of celebrating the queer body became increasingly vital. Today, it remains a significant athletic and cultural event which gives queer athletes of many nations a joyous place in which to excel.


Selected Source Set


Additional Resources

The GLBT Historical Society has an extensive online collection of Gay Games photographs taken by Robert Pruzan.

We also have a large amount of material about the Games in the archives, which you can visit by making an appointment.

General search for the Gay Games in the Bay Area Reporter.

Research guide on archival holdings related to Sports

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