Clockwise from top: Reference archivist Isaac Fellman, photo courtesy of same. The stacks of the GLBT Historical Society; photo by Dave Earl. Director of Archives and Special Collections Kelsi Evans; photo courtesy of same. The reading room of the GLBT Historical Society’s archives; photo by Dave Earl.
This event will take place online. Please scroll down to “How to Participate” for more information. You will need to register so that we can send you the Zoom link for the event. The event will also be livestreamed, and then archived, on our YouTube page at
Archives are tied to a physical place, so how can we use them from home? Sit down with GLBT Historical Society archivists Kelsi Evans and Isaac Fellman, and we'll give you a tour of our rich online collections, share catalog search tips to help you plan your next visit, and explain some of the ways we're working right now to make home research easier for you.
We'll also show you a few great online resources from other archives. Whether you're working on a research project, find yourself with the time to explore a personal obsession, or are just curious to see some unusual pieces of queer history, the archivists are still here to support you.
Kelsi Evans is director of the Dr. John P. De Cecco Archives and Special Collections of the GLBT Historical Society. She previously served as project archivist at New York University’s Fales Library and at the University of California, San Francisco Archives and Special Collections, where she worked on the AIDS History Project. She is active in professional organizations including the Society of California Archivists and the Society of American Archivists.
Isaac Fellman is the reference archivist at the GLBT Historical Society. He has a master’s degree in library science, and specializes in helping researchers at the Historical Society, as well as backend work that improves our services.
This event will take place online. After you register, you will receive a confirmation email with a link and instructions on how to join the Zoom webinar as an attendee.
Attendees will be able to participate as a virtual audience by asking questions, participating in polls and chatting with one another and panelists.
We will also be livestreaming this event on the GLBT Historical Society YouTube channel and linking to the video on social media.
Free | Suggested donation of $5.00
Register online here:
The event is limited to 500 attendees.
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