Brenda Lein
Brenda Lein
ACT UP business cards; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, June 5, 1981, reprinted in HIV-AIDS History in Wisconsin. MMWK, a publication of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) described a rare lung infection, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), in five gay men in Los Angeles. This was the first official report of what became known as AIDS. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Centers for Disease Control, all rights reserved. Click here for the full article.
Silence=Death button; Art and Artifacts Collection, GLBT Historical Society.
"Silencio = Muerte" ACT UP/SF flyer; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
AIDS quarantine flyer; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
ACT UP flyer; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
Cover of book Strategies for Survival, courtesy of Brenda Lein
"Project Inform: A History," 1990; Ephemera Collection (PFLAG-PURP), GLBT Historical Society.
AIDS Treatment News pin-back button; AIDS Treatment News Records Collection, UC San Francisco, Library, Special Collections, all rights reserved.
AZT/alternative therapies meeting flyer; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
"Legalize Marijuana" on the Corner of Castro and Market Streets, 1984; photograph by Max Kirkeberg, Max Kirkeberg Collections, DIVA, San Francisco State University, all rights reserved.
The AIDS Health Project button; Art and Artifacts Collection, GLBT Historical Society.
Universal Healthcare for the AIDS crisis button; Art and Artifacts Collection, GLBT Historical Society.
Cover page of “Compound Q Clinical Protocol”, 1990; Project Inform (2000-59), GLBT Historical Society.
Cover page of DNCB Clinical Protocol booklet, Project Inform; National Task Force on AIDS Prevention Records (2000-59), GLBT Historical Society.
AIDS buttons; Art and Artifacts Collection, GLBT Historical Society.
Community Forum flyer (with AAP and AIDS/ARC Vigil, 1988; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
Project Inform group marching in the 1988 San Francisco Lesbian and Gay Freedom Day Parade; AIDS Treatment News Records Collection, UC San Francisco Library, Special Collections, all rights reserved.
"Mobilization Against AIDS" sign, 1994; photograph by Max Kirkeberg, Max Kirkeberg Collections, DIVA, San Francisco State University, all rights reserved.
Mobilization Against Aids buttons; Art and Artifacts Collection, GLBT Historical Society.
Immune Restoration Think Tank conference, 1999; photograph courtesy of Brenda Lein.
Jesse C. Dobson (1957–1993), AIDS treatment advocate; photograph courtesy of Brenda Lein.
Project Inform's "Immune Restoration Think Tank: The Dobson Project" conference binder, 1999; courtesy of Brenda Lein.
ACT UP benefit flyer, 1993; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
ACT UP flyer; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
T-Cells on Drugs poster, used for the advocacy efforts leading to AIDS Drug Assistance Program expansion; courtesy of Brenda Lein.
ACT UP flyer; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
ACT UP/Golden Gate stickers, ca. 1990s; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/Golden Gate), GLBT Historical Society.
ACT UP/Golden Gate sticker, ca. 1990s; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/Golden Gate), GLBT Historical Society.
Postcard of the Golden Gate Bridge Blockade, 1989; photograph by Rick Gerharter, Ephemera Collection (State-Stop), GLBT Historical Society.
AIDS button; Art and Artifacts Collection, GLBT Historical Society.
Stop AIDS Now or Else button; Art and Artifacts Collection, GLBT Historical Society.
ACT UP flyer on access to Clarithromycin for MAI, Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
ACT UP flyer; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
ACT UP/Golden Gate postcard from campaign to expand definition of AIDS to be more inclusive of conditions impacting women, ca. 1990s; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/Golden Gate), GLBT Historical Society.
Andrew Zysman obituary, 1993; Bay Area Reporter obituary database, GLBT Historical Society.
Flyer for joint demonstration between AIDS and breast-cancer activists, “Demonstrate for Compassionate Access to Drugs for AIDS and Breast Cancer;" GLBT Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
DDI and DDC or DOA action flyer; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
Zap Astra flyer, 1989; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.
Terry Sutton foscarnet trials article, San Francisco Chronicle newspaper clipping, 1989; courtesy of Brenda Lein.
ACT UP flyer, 1989; Ephemera Collection (ACT UP/SF), GLBT Historical Society.